FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions... Q - How come the jailbreak is priced? A - The jailbreak is priced simply because its NEW, and we are one of the only sites offering the jailbreak for iOS7 at the moment. Q - Is this trustworthy? A - 100%, yes Jailbone is completely trustworthy and reliable. We offer great customer support and top of the line jailbreaking! Q - Is this a digital download only? A - Yes, this is a digital download only. For billing purposes it askes for billing address, city etc. rest assured its digital download ONLY. Q - Will my information be safe? A - Absolutely! we do not give out nor share ANYONES billing information. Q - Where can i contact suppport? A - You can contact our support staff 24/7 at our email: rpstaff23@yahoo.com we will reply to you within 24hrs or less. Q - Can i just get Cydia? A - Yes, Cydia is available for a small amount for iOS 7+ and free for any other iOS. Only because other sites dont support cydia by itself for iOS 7+ Have another question? feel free to email us at: rpstaff23@yahoo.com sincerely, Jailbone support staff!